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Each Sunday morning a service is held to which anyone of any-age is invited to attend. Our associate minister is Rev. Stephen Dunning, however we also have visiting speakers from the locality. Our own elders and deacons will sometimes conduct the services. The morning service follows a traditional format. If children are present, usually a childrens’ story is included to try to simply explain and provide an understanding of the Christian Gospel message. On the first Sunday morning of each month, a communion service is included in which those professing a personal faith in our Lord Jesus Christ are invited to take the emblems of wine and bread to remember His death and resurrection.

Our Sunday evening service follows a similar format to our morning service. A variety of speakers will lead the service and endeavor to present the Gospel message and Bible teaching in a clear and concise way. A communion service is normally included on the third Sunday of each month.

Tuesdays (15:00-16:00) - Ladies' Guild (PLEASE NOTE THE LADIES' GUILD IS CLOSED UNTIL 12th SEPTEMBER 2017)

All ladies are invited to ‘The Guild’. Usually an invited person will give a talk about various subjects in the friendly and relaxed informal atmosphere. The speaker will always try to incorporate a Christian ‘message’. Several ladies who attend may also attend other activities connected with other churches in the locality. The evening will usually finish with a cup of tea or coffee and a chat. Over the cold-winter and busy-summer periods the Guild will close for a few weeks.

Thursdays (19:30-20:30) - Bible Study and Prayer

Thursday Evening is our Bible Study and Prayer meeting. Various speakers will present their understanding of a certain passage from the Bible and those in attendance encouraged to add in discussion. The second part of the evening is devoted to Prayer and usually consists of those attending, if they wish to, to pray openly as thy feel led by the Holy Spirit.

Friday (10:30-12:00) - (first Friday of each month) - Coffee Morning

A Coffee Morning is held in our attached Church Hall. Notices are posted in the area inviting all to call-in for a tea, coffee, light refreshments....and a chat! Several passers-by have called in and the ‘Temple’ sees this as an opportunity to share the Christian message in an informal way to anyone who wishes to ‘chat’ about these things.